
Prisma 30ST

Quick and lasting therapy success

Personalized therapy settings

With its unique auto S/T mode with settable target volume, auto EPAP and backup frequency, prisma 30ST offers comfortable ventilation that provides quick and lasting therapy success to patients with respiratory insufficiency and Sleep-Disordered Breathing. The diverse ventilation modes and broad pressure range from 4 to 30cmH20 to allow personalized therapy settings to generate natural or synchronized breathing as needed.

  • Ventilation modes CPAP, APAP, S, T, S/T, auto S/T, aPCV.
  • Broad pressure range (4 – 30cmH20) and several adjustable parameters for greater flexibility in therapy settings.
  • With automatic or permanently set back up frequency and optional adjustable alarms for leaks, low minute volume, low tidal volume and apnoea.
  • SCOPES (indication-specific pre-settings).
  • Identification of periodic breathing, RERA, snoring, hypopnea, apnoea and flow limitations
  • Optional auto Trigger (Trigger IN and Trigger EX).
  • Adaptive inspiratory pressure rise (Ramp IN) and expiratory pressure reduction (Ramp EX).
  • High resolution therapy data for up to 14 days and detailed statistics for 366 days.
  • Therapy software PrismaTS for data analysis and remote control.
  • With SD card and USB port.
  • Telemedicine connection via modem for Prisma CLOUD.
  • Eight clearly identified analog signals for PSG feed.
  • BILevel ST therapy device with adjustable target volume.

Prisma 30ST is the means of choice for patients who suffer from respiratory insufficiency, e.g., position-dependent hypoventilation and/or COPD, and concurrent SDB (Sleep-Disordered Breathing). Equipped with the unique auto S/T mode with adjustable target volume, auto EPAP and backup frequency, Prisma 30ST provides comfortable ventilation that quickly leads to lasting treatment success.

Brand: Löwenstein
Dimension: 17 x 18 x 12.5 cm
Weight: 1.4 kg
Humidifier: External