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Medela, 美德牌, 尚健, Celki, breastfeeding, 母乳

Useful Breastfeeding Information

How to prepare for breastfeeding? There are some useful Information for mothers.

Hygiene During Pumping

Before expressing your milk you should wash your hands and follow the manufacturer's directions for cleaning the breastpump and the pump set.

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Latching On in Cradle Position

There are several common breastfeeding positions, choose the one that suits you and baby best.

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Latching On in Cross-Cradle Position

There are several common breastfeeding positions, choose the one that suits you and baby best.

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Latching On in Clutch Position

There are several common breastfeeding positions, choose the one that suits you and baby best.

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Latching On in Side-lying Position

There are several common breastfeeding positions, choose the one that suits you and baby best.

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How to Choose the Right Personal Fit Breastshield?

How to Choose the Right Personal Fit Breastshield?

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How to Choose the Size of Comfy Bra & Easy Expression Bustier?

The following table can help you to find out which size is suitable to you.

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